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GCSE and A Level Business resources

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A shop aimed at providing student focussed revision resources and engaging lesson materials.




A shop aimed at providing student focussed revision resources and engaging lesson materials.
Critical Path Analysis

Critical Path Analysis

The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification but it is suitable for all boards. These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component Two topic of critical path analysis. They analyse and explain the nature and purpose of critical path analysis (CPA), commenting on the benefits and limitations of the technique. The slides then show how to complete CPA diagrams and interpret and evaluate the results. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions and also a practice essay (both with solutions). In addition to the main PowerPoint a PDF copy of the notes has been provided to assist with pupil hand outs.
What is Profit all About?

What is Profit all About?

Another in the popular range of student support worksheets. This one seeks to explain the concept of profit in ways that look to encourage students to build up their understanding in a gradual and meaningful way.
Analysing Human Resource Performance

Analysing Human Resource Performance

The latest in the new AQA Business revision series. This sheet focuses upon the measurement of human resource performance and in particular it examines: labour productivity; labour retention; labour turnover; unit labour costs; absenteeism (non-AQA); employee costs as a percentage of turnover and the development and use of human resource development plans.
Understanding the Nature and Purpose of Business

Understanding the Nature and Purpose of Business

NEW AQA 2015 Business Specification. This revision sheet looks at the purpose of business and business activity. It considers the economic background of the UK and draws upon key concepts like adding value. It then analyses the role of mission statements and corporate objectives (including SMART targets) before concluding with a look at revenue, costs and profits.
AQA Business - Managing Inventory and Supply Chains

AQA Business - Managing Inventory and Supply Chains

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of managing inventory and supply chains. The presentation considers ways and value of improving flexibility, speed of response and dependability and focuses upon the concept of mass customisation. It then considers how best to manage supply so that it matches up with levels of demand for goods and examines outsourcing, the use of temporary and part-time employees and producing goods to order. The presentation also examines the key influences acting upon the inventory levels of a firm and includes an interpretation of inventory control charts (stock control charts), lead times, re-order levels and buffer stocks. It concludes with an assessment of the influences on the choices of suppliers and how to manage the supply chain effectively and the value of this to a business. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test, a practice calculation activity and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
PEST Factors : Political

PEST Factors : Political

The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification (but are suitable for all boards). These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component Three topic of PEST Analysis. They explain the main political factors that affect business activity and the role of government in providing a stable framework for businesses to operate within. The slides examine taxation and subsidies, fiscal and monetary policy, government regulation and deregulation of markets, the role of government as a purchaser of goods and services from the private sector and considers other relevant issues such as patent law and competitive tendering. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions and also a practice essay (both with solutions). The pack also contains a FREE set of student revision notes.


The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification but this material is suitable for all boards. These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component One topic of budgeting. They explain what is meant by a budget and their main purpose. It then assesses the use of variance analysis, and explains how to calculate budget variances and to analyse the results before finally evaluating the use of budgeting and variances for a business and their stakeholders. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions, calculation practise questions and solutions and also a practice essay (with suggested solutions). In addition to the main PowerPoint a PDF copy of the notes has been provided to assist with pupil hand outs.
Organisational Design

Organisational Design

The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification (but are suitable for all boards). These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component One topic of organisational design. They explain what is meant by authority, responsibility, chain of command, span control, delegation, hierarchy, centralisation, decentralisation, empowerment and delayering. They also explain the characteristics of different organisational structures including hierarchica (flat and tall) and matrix structures. Later the slides consider the advantages and disadvantages of changing organisational structures including the use of delayering and evaluate the choice between empowerment of staff and the maintenance of control. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions and also a practice essay (both with solutions). The pack also contains a free set of student revision notes.
What is Analysing the Market all About?

What is Analysing the Market all About?

Another in the series of ‘What is All About?’ guides aimed at GCSE Business students with the intention of strengthening their understanding of core topic areas. This unit looks at the importance of market segmentation, target markets, mass and niche market structures, and product and market orientation.
Demand and Supply

Demand and Supply

The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification. These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component One topic of demand and supply diagrams. They analyse and explain the concepts of supply and demand, the influences acting upon each, what is meant by the equilibrium, the importance of supply and demand in the market, how a change in demand and supply can impact on price and quantity demanded and how to construct and interpret supply and demand diagrams. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions and also a practice essay (both with solutions). In addition to the main PowerPoint a PDF copy of the notes has been provided to assist with pupil hand outs.
Analysing Financial Performance

Analysing Financial Performance

A revision sheet designed specifically for the new AQA Business specification but which is relevant to all boards. This sheet looks at the four major financial elements that face business: cash flow forecasts; budgets; break-even analysis and profitability ratios. These topic areas are substantial and the 10 pages cover the different types of budget; methods of setting budgets; sources of budgetary information; variance analysis; cash flow forecast benefits and drawbacks; cash flow forecast structures; contribution analysis; margin of safety; break even analysis; gross, operating and profit for the year margins and finally the usefulness of financial information in the reaching of decisions.
Setting Financial Objectives

Setting Financial Objectives

The latest in the series of revision sheets aimed specifically at the new A Level Business specification. This sheet focuses upon the establishment of financial objectives and looks at the distinctions between cash flow and profit; revenue, cost and profit objectives; the different measurements of profit (gross, operating and profit for the year); cash flow objectives; investment and return on capital employed; capital structure decisions and finally the internal and external influences upon financial objectives.
AQA Business - Understanding the Nature and Purpose of Business

AQA Business - Understanding the Nature and Purpose of Business

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of understanding the role of purpose of business. It examines why businesses exist, the relationship between mission statements and objectives, common examples of business objectives, why objectives are set, and the measurement and importance of profit. Each pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
Sources of Finance

Sources of Finance

The latest in the new AQA Business specification revision sheets looks at the concept of business finance. It considers short and long-term sources of finance and also the internal and external sources of finance. Specifically it then looks at: sale of assets; venture capital; owner’s equity; bank loans; debentures; share capital; debt factoring; crowd funding; mortgages; retained profit; venture capital; business angels and bank overdrafts. It considers the key benefits and drawbacks of each source of finance and finishes by considering the ways in which businesses decide upon appropriate sources of finance.
AQA Business - Understanding Different Business Forms

AQA Business - Understanding Different Business Forms

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of understanding different business forms . It examines the reasons for choosing different business forms and then the reasons for changing them (including sole traders, LTD and PLCs, mutuals and the public sector); the role of shareholders and their reasons for investment (including market capitalisation, dividends and ordinary shares); the key influences on share prices and why these are important for a company; and finally the effect of ownership on mission, objectives, decisions and performance. Each pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
AQA Business - Understanding that Businesses Operate Within an External Environment

AQA Business - Understanding that Businesses Operate Within an External Environment

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of understanding that businesses operate within an external environment . It examines how the external environment can affect the costs and demand for a business. Specifically it considers the impact of interest rates, consumer incomes, government, Fair Trade, the economic environment, competition and demographics. Each pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
AQA Business - Analysing Internal Position: Financial Ratio Analysis

AQA Business - Analysing Internal Position: Financial Ratio Analysis

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of financial ratio analysis and has been adapted to meet the specific requirements of the AQA specification. The presentation considers the basic purpose of financial ratios. It then examines the key ratios of ROCE, Gearing, Payables and Receivable Days, Current Ratio and Inventory Turnover considering each of their strengths and weaknesses and providing suggestions as to how each could be improved. The pack concludes with a critical analysis of ratios and assesses their weaknesses. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, several practice calculation questions, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
AQA Business - Managing Strategic Implementation

AQA Business - Managing Strategic Implementation

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of managing strategic implementation by businesses and has been adapted to meet the specific requirements of the AQA specification. The presentation considers how to implement strategy effectively and the value of leadership in its implementation. It then looks at the value of communication before examining the importance of organisational structure with a look at functional, regional, product-based and matrix structures and their impact on implementing strategy. The pack concludes with an assessment of network analysis. This includes an understanding and interpretation of network diagrams, amending network diagrams and identifying the critical path and calculation of total float. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a variety of practice calculation activities, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
Improving Cash Flow and Profits

Improving Cash Flow and Profits

This revision sheet forms part of the new AQA Business specification and focuses upon the main methods and difficulties of improving cash flow, profits and profitability. This includes looking at the issues of debt factoring, sale and leaseback, bank loans, overdrafts, reducing credit and raising prices.